How to Keep the Energy Sucking Vampires Away From You

How to Keep the Energy Sucking Vampires Away From You

Zap! Zap! Sucking. My day has been zapped by an energy sucking vampires that surround me. We have all experienced this when you have a great day and you run into the energy sucking vampires that create so much chaos and negativity toward you that it zaps your energy. You feel drained, anxiety, and frustrated. It is important that we protect ourselves from these energy sucking vampires and not give them the power to send our day spinning out of control. Read on to learn more.

How to Keep the Energy Sucking Vampires Away From You


The first seems so simple, but people, without practice, have a difficult time doing this task. Simply walk away from the energy zapper. The other person might start off making a great conversation then it quickly turns negative. You can feel the energy changing. Well, politely excuse yourself from that conversation and step out of that zapping energy field.


The next step is a method of how to create a mental shield that will bounce those zaps off you and back to the other energy zapping vampire. If the situation is where you can't walk away, take a deep breath, center yourself, and engage your shield. I shield myself by imaging a field of sunflowers or I recite my favorite poem in my head. Always create mental happy points that you can go back to when you feel the need to rejuvenate. The lack of enthusiastic that you project might anger the opponent, but that is just their own zapping bouncing back at them. You can also send them your own zap of positivity, like, "Nice talking with you, I have to go." Or, this one is always a great zapper. "Have a nice day, now."


The real enemies of energy zapping are allowing anxiety and hopelessness to be spread in your zone. Politely express to the zapper that negativity is not accepted in you zone of tranquility. Another great thing to have around is positive messages; wither in forms of needlepoint, poems, bookmarks, and signs. This can make the zapper feel off balance and maybe you can later convert him or her into a positive person.


The last step is to recharge your center. Stay strong and smile. The positive energy that you project will help you knock out anxiety. Take a few minutes to rejuvenate your center with a quick mediation, or smell a burst of fruit, or simply force yourself to laugh. Maybe, others will ask you what you are laugh about or laugh with you. It is contagious.

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away With Home Remedies

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away With Home Remedies

It is simple to keep mosquitoes away with home remedies. You do not have to spray yourself from head to toe with toxic insecticides to avoid getting bitten when you are outside. Mosquitoes are very sensitive to certain scents, and if you know just what scents to use, they will stay far away from you. It is a good idea to keep mosquitoes away with home remedies, as they carry diseases such as West Nile virus and malaria that
and the elderly can be particularly susceptible to acquiring.

Things You'll Need:




Fabric softener dryer sheets

Lemon eucalyptus oil

Plastic spray bottle

Citronella candles


Plant marigolds, catnip and
in your garden and around your house. These plants all emit odors that are unpleasant to mosquitoes and will keep them away.


Pin several fabric softener dryer sheets to your clothes when you are outside. The sheets have a repelling effect on mosquitoes.


Spritz yourself with lemon eucalyptus oil. You can get this from a health food store. Put five drops of the oil in 1 cup of water, then put the mixture in a plastic spray bottle and give yourself two or three good sprays before going outside. The scent of the oil will keep mosquitoes away.


Burn citronella candles around your house when you are outside at night. Mosquitoes hate citronella. Make sure you create a ring of lit citronella candles around wherever it is you are planning to be when you are outside.


Remove any sources of stagnant standing water from around your home. Mosquitoes love standing water and use it as a breeding ground. Even a small planter pot that has been left outside and filled up with rain water is a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes, so get rid of it.


Put up mosquito netting all around where you are planning to be outside. You can get mosquito netting from most
and camping supply stores. The netting has thousands of tiny holes in it that are big enough for you to see out of, but too small for the mosquitoes to fly through. This netting is widely used in Africa in areas that are prone to malaria.

Tips & Warnings

If you happen to get bitten by a mosquito, you can treat the bite with home remedies, too. An effective remedy is to spray a little bit of hair spray over the bite. This will stop the itching.

How to Keep Healthy with Homeopathy

How to Keep Healthy with Homeopathy

Many people are turning to holistic medicine. For some people, it is because conventional healthcare is too costly. For others, it may be that they are tired of the side effects that come with many prescription drugs; they want safer, more effective treatment options. One popular alternative is homeopathy.

Things You'll Need:

A licensed, board-certified homeopath

An open mind

Getting Better With Homeopathy


First, find a licensed, board-certified homeopath who practices in your area. Make it your goal to set up an appointment to have a consultation. This appointment will usually involve answering specific questions from the practitioner about your physical complaints, as well as things related to your mental and emotional condition. If you live in a state that doesn't offer the option of homeopathic treatment, you may have to go out of state. It is well worth the effort.


Use homeopathic remedies to help improve your immune system and rid your body of bacterial and viral infections. Homeopathy has, historically, had a high success rate with treating patients when there was an epidemic crisis going on. Specific remedies and strengths should be based on your individual set of symptoms


Treat skin conditions with homeopathy. If you suffer from skin ailments, such as acne, psoriasis, warts, and leucoderma, homeopathic remedies can help treat and eliminate these problems.


Get back in charge of your emotions with homeopathy. Many people who have taken homeopathic remedies for depression, anxiety and other emotional issues have found relief from these conditions.


Consider homeopathy to help keep your
healthy. Some conditions that can be alleviated by homeopathic remedies include teething, colic, Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity, fevers, bed-wetting and other child-related concerns. As a parent, you don't have to be worried at all about the safety issues of homeopathic remedies because they are not toxic.


Get your pet healthy with homeopathy, too. Remedies can help deal with physical, emotional and behavioral problems. Conditions such as thyroid problems, kidney disorders, diabetes, digestive ailments, arthritis and more can be successfully treated with homeopathic remedies.


Take homeopathic remedies along with allopathic medicines you may be on. It may still be necessary for you to take certain prescription drugs for some health conditions, but homeopathic remedies can be taken, as well, to address your physical issues. You don't have to be concerned about any drug interactions or side-effects, because homeopathic remedies have none. Additionally, your homeopath may be able to gradually ween you off of some of your allopathic medications.

How to Keep Headaches Away by Eating Different Foods

How to Keep Headaches Away by Eating Different Foods

Keep your migraines and headaches from coming back by eating the right foods to fight headaches, and don't eat the foods that CAUSE your headaches.

Things You'll Need:

high in magnesium foods

diary or journal


Believe it or not, certain foods may trigger headaches. The throbbing pain has ended for some people who took action and changed their diets. It isn't necessarily difficult, it's just about finding which foods you need to avoid, and which ones you want to eat more of.


Some foods, especially those with preservatives, may have contained in them triggers that constrict or dilate the blood vessels in the brain and may result in a throbbing headache.


In order to figure what foods (or perhaps activities) cause your headaches, keep a diary. Log the time, place, and what you just ate or did right before having the headache. After a time, a pattern may appear and you will be able to avoid the cause of your headache.

Example: every evening you drink a can of Mountain Dew and eat a bowl of ice cream. If your headache occurs around this time, stop eating or drinking one of the two and see which one causes the headache. It might just be the Mountain Dew, so try eating only the ice cream next time.


Some common foods that cause headaches:
-Aged Cheeses -Alcohol -Caffeine -Cured Meats, like hot dogs and ham


Here are some foods high in magnesium that help prevent headaches:
-nuts -fish -artichokes -buckwheat -legumes -bran flakes -dark green leafy vegetables -buckwheat.

Also try: Instead of 3 large meals, try eating 4 or 5 smaller meals a day.


I encourage you to go to your local library and check out The Headache Prevention Cookbook to help you locate the source of food-related headaches.


Not all headaches are related to food.
Some other common causes are from not having enough sleep, studying for a long time, working at the computer for a long time, stress, or even strenuous exercise.

If you headache is becoming too bothersome, a visit to the doctor is a good idea.

Tips & Warnings

Log and keep a diary of when your headaches occur, keep this for yourself and for your doctor.

Skipping meals can drop your blood sugar level and result in a headache

How to Keep a Body Toxin Free

How to Keep a Body Toxin Free

Studies have shown that a healthy immune system can protect against chronic illnesses and certain types of cancer, as well as colds, allergies, and infections. Many factors weaken immune function, including environmental toxins and toxins in our food supply. Here are some ways to activate your immune system and cleanse your body naturally for stronger immunity.


Evaluate everything you put into and do to your body. Health experts agree that food and physical activity are two of the most powerful medicines of all. Your body responds to what you eat, drink, think and do. It’s the choices you make that have either a positive or negative impact on the health of your immune system.


Add bran to recipes. Whole-grain fiber, like bran and oatmeal, is very effective at whisking environmental toxins out of your body. Fiber binds to chemicals in the digestive tract, forcing them to be excreted instead of absorbed. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that at least 15 grams of fiber daily is needed.


Bite into an apple. Pectin, its soluble fiber, carries heavy metals out of the body and makes the digestive tract more alkaline, decreasing disease causing inflammation. Load up on broccoli, which boosts levels of glutathione, and also turns estrogen-like chemical toxins into safer forms of estrogen, resulting in a lower risk of breast cancer. Also, regular aerobic exercise that makes you perspire or sweating in a sauna safely releases stored toxins.


Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates. Most people think that avoiding fat is the most important thing to do, but sugar is much more detrimental to your health. Chronic high carbohydrate intake depletes your body of B-vitamins, which increases your blood homocysteine levels. High homocysteine levels are linked to just about every major disease.


Cleanse your digestive system. If you have low energy, fatigue and/or muscle weakness, frequent colds and/or the ability to concentrate, consider detoxifying your body. A variety of natural health aids really do work wonders. Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae containing large amounts of chlorophyll, binds to toxins and helps flush them from the body. You can find spirulina powder, tablets or capsules at health-food stores. Sarsaparilla is another magical blood purifier. It has special flavonoids and plant sterols proven to cleanse the liver, kidneys and intestines of toxins, improving immunity and turbocharging metabolism. You’ll find sarsaparilla listed as an ingredient in many detox teas available at grocery stores, or get capsules at your local health-food store.

Tips & Warnings

Always check with your doctor before taking any new supplement.

How to Jumpstart Your Body's Immune System

How to Jumpstart Your Body's Immune System

Illness comes on fast. The sooner you notice that you're coming down with something, the more likely you are to get ahead of the problem and initiate a fast recovery.


Check your stress level. Bad news or emotional distress is probably the biggest enemy, but all disease results from one of two things: pollutants or parasites. The only problem is that both are present all around us all the time. The right level of stress will drop your immune system to nothing in seconds, especially if more than one stressful circumstance is present. For example, you get chilled, stressing your body, and at the same time you get pulled over by a policeman. An experience like this is almost certain to result in a bad cold.


Recognize that you are vulnerable. Being around someone who is sick can really make you think you're going to be sick. You can think yourself sick. But you can also pick up a parasitic virus from a sick person.


Purchase a good formula from a natural foods vendor (not a grocery store or pharmacy) that contains 25,000 IUs (international units) of vitamin A, preferably beta carotene. Swallow 4 capsules (100,000 IUs, which is a good therapeutic dosage) with about 6 ounces of good water. Repeat every 6 to 10 hours for up to 3 days.

Tips & Warnings

Be very careful about taking fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A on a regular basis, and if you do, make sure the amount you use if safe.

How to Juice Vegetables for Fasting

How to Juice Vegetables for Fasting

Juice fasting is one of the most common forms of fasting used for weight loss and detoxing. Though fruit juice tends to be more popular in regular diets, freshly prepared vegetable juice is equally effective when fasting and may actually be more pleasant, as fruit juice tends to be too sweet to drink in large quantities.


Purchase only organic vegetables to use for making juice when fasting. Vegetables that have been grown using pesticides or other chemicals are not ideal for fasting because you are trying to rid your body of such toxins.


Buy a juicer, keeping in mind that this appliance is different from a blender because it is designed to extract the fluid from the food, including all of its healthy vitamins, enzymes and minerals. It is worthwhile to spend extra money for a juicer that has removable parts or is dishwasher safe because it is likely to be much easier to clean.


Peel or scrub any vegetables that have been grown underground or have waxy skin. Beets, for example, have very bitter-tasting skin that should always be peeled off before juicing. It is often helpful to run vegetables under hot water before peeling them because the skin tends to slip off much easier this way.


Dilute your vegetable juice with filtered water before you drink it. A good rule of thumb is to add equal amounts of juice and water to each serving. It is not necessary to dilute the vegetable juice at all if you do not mind the taste, but many people prefer it slightly watered down and also find that it helps reduce the cost of purchasing vegetables by creating more servings of juice.


Drink vegetable juice immediately after preparing it. The fresher the juice, the more vitamins and enzymes it contains. These nutrients may deplete as the juice sits, so it is not a good idea to make a surplus of juice in advance.

Tips & Warnings

The best vegetables for juicing are carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers and zucchini. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, do not juice well.

Always use raw vegetables when making juice.

Keep in mind that the pre-prepared vegetable juice that is sold in stores may not be truly organic, as it is usually treated with preservatives. Also, it may have quite a bit of added salt.

Generally, fasting for more than a few days is not medically recommended.

How to Jog or Run

How to Jog or Run

In ancient Arizona and New Mexico, the Zuni inhabitants were famous as long distance runners. A few years ago, the Zuni decided to take up running again and their health problems decreased dramatically. For us non-natives, we tend to jog for our health, although many times, we do so improperly.

Things You'll Need:

Bottle of water

iPod or walkman (optional)

Jogging buddy (optional)


Stretch your limbs. Skipping stretching could result in you getting tired faster and possibly injuring yourself by pulling a muscle


Pace yourself when you start out. If you're training for a marathon or some other type of running event, remember that it is not important who starts out first ,it is important who finishes first. Pacing yourself will allow you to get used to the challenge of running and also let you use energy to speed up for a final run to the finish line.


Don't be too ambitious if you're a first-time jogger. Start out by jogging short distances like around the block. Then later, do a little more and them a little more and so on.


Occupy your brain while you're jogging. Many people listen to their iPods or have jogging buddies.


Carry a bottle of water with you. If you are thirsty, don't drink it. It will be bad for your stomach. Instead, quickly swish it around in your mouth and spit it out.


Don't sit down after you are finished with your jog. Instead, keep standing, bent over with your hands on your knees and stay like that for the next few minutes.