How to Improve Hearing With Ear Candles

How to Improve Hearing With Ear Candles

Ear candles are meant to create a "chimney" effect in the ear canal that draws out wax and impurities, thereby improving your hearing. Many proponents believe this alternative medicine technique is ideal for people with compromised immune systems and chronic disorders, as well as for people with poor hearing. Ear candling has more than its fair share of critics and skeptics; but there are also many individuals who swear that they've noticed a major improvement in their hearing because of their use of ear candles. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

2 to 4 ear candles for each ear

Paper plate covered with aluminum foil

Cotton balls

Friend to help you with the procedure

Cotton swabs

Garlic oil

Lighter to ignite the candles


Find a space where you can lie down and be comfortable. Make sure your partner has read all the instructions that came with the ear candles you purchased.


Gather your tools, including the ear candles, a lighter or matches, cotton swabs and balls, a foil-covered paper plate with a small hole cut in its center and a bowl of water.


Lie on your side with your head level and one ear facing up. Feed the small end of the candle through the hole in the foil-covered paper plate.


Have your assistant place the small end of the candle in your ear, making sure to keep it vertical and straight. Ask him to light the wide end of the candle and hold in place. Let it burn down about an inch. Cut the wick off, over the bucket of water. Repeat the process 3 more times.


Take a cotton swab and remove any residue from the outer ear. Pour 3 or 4 drops of the garlic oil into the ear canal and plug with the cotton ball. Wait until the oil is absorbed.


Turn over to repeat the process with the other ear. Be aware that it may take a day or two for your hearing to improve.


Improve your understanding of ear candles from a proponent's point of view at the "Ear Candling" Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Using ear candles requires a partner. To avoid serious injury from burns, don't perform ear candling on yourself.

Ear candles are inexpensive to buy.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Help Balance and Equilibrium With Ear Candles

How to Help Balance and Equilibrium With Ear Candles

If you have excessive ear wax, you may experience difficulty with balance and equilibrium. Ear candling is an age-old healing technique designed to suction out excessive wax and debris through its heat-based "chimney effect." Ear candles are used to purportedly treat earaches, sinusitis and a variety of other conditions and symptoms, including dizziness. Follow these steps to learn how to improve your balance and equilibrium with ear candles.

Things You'll Need:

Bowl of water

Friend to help you with the procedure

Ear candles

Garlic oil

Paper plate covered with aluminum foil

Internet access

Matches or lighter

Cotton swabs and cotton balls


Gather all of your supplies (see the "Things You'll Need" section below). You and your assistant should carry the supplies to a room where you can lie down and be comfortable. Lie on your side with your head level and your ear facing up.


Put the foil covered paper plate under the candle, feeding the narrow end of the candle through the hole in the plate. Next, insert the small end of the candle into your ear canal.


Be sure to keep the candle straight and upright. Ask your partner to light the wide end of the candle and hold it until an inch burns down. Have him cut the wick while holding it over the bowl of water.


Repeat the process 3 more times.


Wipe out the external part of the ear canal using the cotton swab. Pour a few drops of garlic oil into the ear canal and put a cotton ball in place to keep any from leaking out. Stay in that position until the oil is absorbed.


Turn to the other side to repeat all steps with the other ear. Over the next few days, you'll notice if your balance and equilibrium have improved.


Visit the "Atlantis Rising" Web site to learn more about this technique (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Ear candles tend to be quite inexpensive.

You'll need a partner to help you perform your ear candling.

Visit your doctor immediately if you are experiencing extreme dizziness. This could be the symptom of a more serious underlying condition.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Heal Yourself Through Reiki

How to Heal Yourself Through Reiki

Reiki is a form of spiritual healing stimulated through the use of different hand positions laid for varying amounts of time over the patient's body. You can purportedly heal yourself through Reiki by adjusting the hand positions to work on your own body. Proponents say Reiki can be useful in the treatment of physical, emotional and spiritual ailments. Reiki has been used to help in the treat heart disease, cancer and depression.


Save money by performing Reiki on yourself. Self healing is free!


Identify your ailment. While utilizing all the Reiki positions can be beneficial, targeting a specific area can expedite the healing process.


Touch your body only lightly with your fingertips or keep them hovering right over your skin. The energy flow is what is being channeled, and actually touching your body is unnecessary.


Cover your eyes with your hands like you are playing a game of peek-a-boo, cupping your hands. This position heals sinus ailments that can be found in ear, nose and throat, and in addition eases stress.


Improve concentration by placing your palms over your temples.


Focus on your ears which, as with acupuncture, heal a lot of ailments. Cup your hands over your ears for this position.


Express yourself more clearly and ease your throat by templing your hands and fingers over your throat. Do not touch yourself especially in this position as it may be frightening and uncomfortable.


Aid in asthma issues by placing your hands, palms facing in, over your chest. Your fingertips should be touching and your wrists should be at a ninety degree angle to your body.


Control and improve digestion by placing your hands over your abdomen. This position should look the same as the previous step, but your hands should be about six inches further down your body.


Treat depression by holding your hands over your naval area. Your fingertips should be touching directly over your naval.


Relieve your body of sexual dysfunction, both emotional and physical, by positioning your hands over your pubic bone. Your fingertips should be pointing toward the opposite foot.


Treat your relationship issues by holding your hands over your lower back. The tips of your fingers should be pointed down and your wrists should be about equal to your waistline.


Concentrate on your feet to treat most areas of the body at the same time, as all your organs and chakras are centered in your feet. Hold one foot with both hands, one hand covering the bottom of the foot and one hand resting on top.

Tips & Warnings

Practice Reiki in a quiet, calm environment.

If you are feeling ill before or after your Reiki treatment with symptoms such as a severe rash, vomiting or chronic asthma, visit your doctor or the emergency immediately.

Reiki is not a proven science and results do vary.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one that is licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Heal Your Aura Through Color Therapy

How to Heal Your Aura Through Color Therapy

Color therapy is a holistic treatment that uses color and light to balance the vibrations or energy fields in the human body. The aura is made up of seven different fields (or "chakras") of the body, which are represented by different colors. Color therapy and aura healing are used to treat fatigue, enhance creativity, improve concentration and reduce the signs and symptoms of depression. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Inexpensive colored cloth swatches



Pick up a how-to book about reading auras. Look for popular titles like "How to See and Read the Aura" by Ted Andrews or "Auras and How to Read Them" by Sarah Bartlett (see Resources below).


Analyze your aura for muddy colors, excessive colors, swirls in the energy field or imbalances in the seven colors of the aura.


Select among the different color therapy techniques to restore balance to your aura. Consider popular choices like exposure to colored light or the placement of gemstones on the "chakras."


Find additional exercises for healing the aura in the book "Heal Your Aura: Finding True Love by Generating a Positive Energy Field," by Muriel MacFarlane (see Resources below).


Heighten the effects of color therapy with sound therapy, aromatherapy or hydrotherapy.


Visit Suza Scalora's "Color Therapy" Web site (see Resources below).

Five-Minute Color Therapy Exercise


Locate seven different solid-colored pieces of clothing, scarves or swatches of cloth. Include one color from each of the seven "chakras": red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.


Place the red cloth at the bottom of the spine near the coccyx.


Place the orange cloth on the pelvis area and the yellow cloth on the solar plexus below the ribs.


Place the green cloth over the heart and the blue cloth over the throat.


Place the indigo cloth on your brow or forehead and the violet cloth on the crown of your head.


Breathe deeply through the nose for five minutes. You may wish to practice creative visualization or meditation while performing this technique.

Tips & Warnings

Invest in inexpensive tools of the trade, such as colored lights, solid colored cloths, colored paper or gels for energizing drinking water.

Color therapy is considered a complementary and alternative therapy. It is not meant to treat or heal acute or chronic medical conditions. For severe depression or anxiety, see a doctor immediately.

Color therapists suggest avoiding too much of any one color. Excessive exposure to the color red may leave you feeling agitated or even reduce your resistance to pain.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Have Colors Affect Your Everyday Life

How to Have Colors Affect Your Everyday Life

Colors surround us every day. We're so used to seeing them that we forget they may have a subliminal effect on our bodies and minds. Color therapy (chromotherapy) is an alternative therapy that uses light and color to purportedly restore balance to the body's energy fields. Color choice may affect your mood, your appetite, your sex drive, your energy and so much more. Devotees use chromotherapy to treat mild depression and anxiety, suppress the appetite and even to relieve indigestion. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Inexpensive color therapy tools, such as color cards, color healing charts, colored cloths or colored water bottles


Study the history of color therapy and learn how to incorporate its techniques into your everyday life by reading "Beginner's Guide to Color Therapy" or "Language of Color" (see Resources below).


Take a color test to see which colors you're attracted to and which colors you need more of in your life (see Resources below).


Bring everyday color therapy principles into your home using guidebooks like "Color Healing Home: Improve Your Well-Being and Your Home Using Color Therapy" and "Color Therapy at Home: Real-Life Solutions for Adding Color to Your Life" (see Resources below).


Think about what type of energy you need to get through the day, and select clothing that matches your vibrational impulses. Keep in mind, red clothing is great for times when you need quick energy bursts. Blue shades, in contrast, help to suppress the appetite and calm the nerves.


Nourish your body with foods that match your color needs. Pick yellow bananas to help you focus, red apples for energy and green vegetables for serenity.


Practice just a few minutes of color therapy relaxation techniques--like color breathing, visualization or color meditation--any time of the day.


Drink solarized water from colored drinking glasses once in the morning and once at night.


Make color affect your everyday life even more by choosing complementary therapies like sound therapy and aromatherapy.


Learn more color therapy techniques at the "Holistic online" Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

If you want to remember something, jot it down on a yellow piece of paper. Yellow stimulates the intellect and increases learning ability.

If you have poor coordination, you may want to avoid wearing the color red.

Color therapy is not a substitute for urgent medical care. If you have chronic pain, see a doctor immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Dress Gender Neutral

How to Dress Gender Neutral

Dressing gender neutral is more of a challenge for women than it is for men. For a woman, dressing gender neutral means keeping all hints of femininity out of her wardrobe. If you want to dress this way, wear clothing in earth tones, white and black; wear only pants, not skirts; and choose loose fitting clothing.


Eliminate all bright colors from your wardrobe. Color screams femininity, so leave it alone to gain gender neutrality. Keep and buy clothes that are khaki, white and black. Muted earth tones are good as well.


Wear only pants. The pants should be a straight-leg cut. If you can buy from the men's department, even better. Men's pants naturally have extra room that's hard to find in any women's fashions.


Buy plain


that aren't form fitting to de-emphasize your chest. Keep all necklines very close to the neck. If you're wearing a button-up, put a white t-shirt underneath to conceal your chest. Make people wonder if you have breasts or not.


Remove all jewelry from your person. One hand may have a solid ring band, but there should be no gems on your rings. Gems are feminine; leave them alone.


Keep make-up to a bare minimum. Exfoliate and moisturize well so

looks natural and healthy. If necessary, apply a bronzer to the cheeks for a little color. Stay away from all eye make up and lipstick. Use plain lip balm if your lips are dry.

How to Dress for Work Over 50

How to Dress for Work Over 50

Whether you work in an office, a
or a factory, dressing properly is important. Though the rules can change depending on your age, appropriate apparel can still help you project an image that shows you are a competent, professional employee.


Check the dress code. Your industry will determine your general look, but your employer will determine the specific rules. Some companies have specific rules regarding


, skirt length, strap width and shoes.


Get comfortable, dressing in a way that allows you to do your job effectively while giving others the impression that your are a competent, capable employee and you can do your job well. f you work in an office, professional somewhat conservative apparel is best. Whether you need to dress up or dress down, wearing age-appropriate clothing is key.


Be sure everything is clean and in decent shape before you get to work. Even if you work in an outdoor environment, you still want to look put-together, even if your clothes are going to get dirty.


Try a new trend, but don't go overboard. Many people older than 40 find that buying their clothes from a variety of stores provides a good combination of up-to-date fashions and items that fit well.


Invest in proper undergarments. This rule applies to non-work clothing as well. The right kind of undergarments will help any item look and fit better, because you will be better supported and shaped under your clothes.

How to Dress for Winter in Texas

How to Dress for Winter in Texas

Sometimes Texas has the craziest winters. One day it can be 70 degrees, the next it is below freezing! Here are some helpful tips on dressing for the super strange season.

Things You'll Need:

Long sleeve T-shirts

Short sleeve T-shirts


Closed-toed shoes (such as tennis shoes, flats or boots)



Light coat


Use layers. This way, in case the weather takes a sudden hot or cold turn, which it does in Texas sometimes, you are prepared. Try a long sleeve shirt under a t-shirt for added warmth. Layers of clothes will also keep you warmer than one shirt and a big winter coat.


Jeans are always appropriate for Texas. Texas is a casual state and you can pretty much get away with any look by adding jeans. Girls, wear heels and a cute top to dress them up. They work in the cold and in the heat too.


Bring a hoodie or light coat wherever you go in the winter. Who knows when the weather might take a turn for the worse. It's better to be prepared than end up freezing.


Keep your head ward on cold days. A cowboy hat will do if it's not extremely cold, otherwise wear something you can cover up your ears with, too.


If you like to wear cowboy boots, consider wearing thicker socks, or even two pairs if you can fit them, to keep your feet warm at all times.


If you're very fashion conscious and don't like wearing big sweaters most people wear in the winter time, buy some thermal gear you can wear under your regular clothes. Long johns will keep your legs warm underneath your jeans, and nobody will know.

How to Dress for the Sundance Film Festival

How to Dress for the Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Festival is an independent film festival held in Utah in the middle of January. Yes, there are students from Utah and young film makers who will be there, but there are also Hollywood celebrities. So deciding what to wear may depend on your finances, as well as who you want to rub elbows with.


Remember this festival is held in the middle of winter. You need to stay warm and wear winter clothes. So pull out the clothes you only wear when you go skiing.


Plan on snow, and that means all the warm fuzzies that go with cold weather--boots, coats,


, gloves and maybe even long johns.


Remember there will be movie stars, directors and screenwriters milling around. Bring a couple of nice outfits for gala events or at least for going to a club in the evening.


Take advantage of the opportunity for snow skiing in this area. If you like to ski, bring your ski clothes.


Think about being in the height of fashion by getting the Sundance catalog for apparel and jewelry and looking at what the models are wearing. This is a company founded by Robert Redford.


Get your ideas from the Sundance catalog. But buy your clothes wherever you like to save money.


Dress trendy, funky, fashionably and remember matching gloves, hats, scarves. Wear what you like, can afford and what you look good in--and enjoy the films. That is the reason you are going.

How to Dress for Sorority Recruitment

How to Dress for Sorority Recruitment

"I have nothing to wear!" Sorority recruitment can be a very important time in a young college girl's life. It is a time when you are unsure of which sorority you fit in with and sometimes the stress over making a decision can be overwhelming. But, once it is over, you have friends for life and the reward is so worth the stress! Here are a few tips to take away the headache of trying to dress for recruitment.


Check your university's Greek Life webpage. Sometimes the days of recruitment are themed and usually the dress code for all the recruitment parties are posted on the site.


Pick outfits that you are comfortable in. Don't try to be someone you are not just for recruitment. If you are not comfortable in an outfit, don't wear it. You may tend to be shyer or not as talkative if you are in something you do not feel good about wearing.


Stand out in a crowd! There are many girls going through rush. Pick one item and play it up. Do you have a beautiful old necklace that belonged to your grandmother? How about a fun, flirty, purple top? Try to be noticed, but not too over the top. There are so many girls going thru rush and not all of the sorority women can remember everyone's name. The women will tend to remember the girl with the long pearl necklace and leopard print shoes, over the "plain Jane."


If you want to wear heels to the recruitment parties, go for it! Just remember, you may be doing a lot of walking up and down stairs or around to the different houses, so make sure they are heels you can walk in without tripping!


Make sure to wear a little makeup. Even if you don't wear a lot on a regular basis, try a little mascara and lipgloss. It goes a long way and will give you a polished look.

Tips & Warnings

Remember, "Dress to Impress!" Jeans are not a good choice for a sorority recruitment. It may make it seem like you did not care enough to dress up.

If you are wearing open toed shoes, make sure to have a fresh coat of polish. This will make you look very put together head to toe.

How to Dress for Prom on a Budget

How to Dress for Prom on a Budget

Setting and sticking to a budget can be difficult at any time. But, what if it is the most important time in a young high schoolers life...the prom? Here are some great tips on how to get ready for the prom on a budget.

Things You'll Need:

List of items you need to buy

Phone book

Car to get around to different stores around town


Know that the key to sticking to a budget is to start early. When you have plenty of time to shop around and look for the best deals you are more likely to stay within your price range.


Make a list of everything you need to buy for the prom. This includes dress, shoes, makeup and jewelry. Anything you are planning on spending money on, such as a hair appointment should go on this list too. You don't want any surprises.


Look through the phone book for local dress shops. These tend to have the cheaper prices. Also, don't forget to scope the sale rack. Many times you can find beautiful dresses here. You just have to be patient.


Think about borrowing accessories. Sometimes friends and family will be happy if you ask to borrow something of theirs. Does you grandmother have a beautiful pearl necklace? Does your older sister have a great black heels? This could be a great way of saving money. Just make sure you return all items in the same condition you borrowed them.


Check out the local hair school's in your town. Many times they will fix hair at a fraction of the cost of a real hair salon. Keep it simple. They are still students learning, so remember to keep the styles basic.


Once you get to the prom, stand tall. Just remember, you look beautiful and at half the price.

How to Dress for Older Women

How to Dress for Older Women

Fashion magazines usually focus on dressing trends for women under 50 and overlook the needs and desires of older women. Senior women have changing body types and lifestyles that can require a wardrobe adjustment. Find a balance between fashion and comfort that meets your needs.

Things You'll Need:

Sports apparel

Business attire

Layered outfits

Cotton blends

Velcro closures

Contemporary accessories


Choose clothing that reflects your lifestyle. If you're retired, your wardrobe may require new sporting apparel for golf or yoga pursuits. If you've climbed the corporate ladder, you must choose business attire that mirrors your corporate culture.


Update your wardrobe each season. Older women sometimes make the mistake of
their appearance by wearing clothes 10 years old or greater. Donate these garments to a thrift store and add a new piece to your closet in its place.


Explore contemporary trends when they appeal to you. If the cut of a contemporary garment doesn't match your body type, shop for trendy fabrics styled with a conservative design.


Build versatile outfits with layers. Older women sometimes experience hot flashes from the onset of menopause, followed by an inability to stay warm enough in later years. Layers allow you to meet every temperature need.


Buy clothes that are wash and wear. If you buy garments comprised of 50 percent cotton or less, you won't have to spend time ironing your clothes every week.


Consider clothes that make dressing painless if you're managing arthritis or other mobility problems. Ask your tailor to replace tiny zippers with Velcro closures to reduce dressing struggles.


Make your wardrobe look fresh with new accessories. If you can't afford to replace some of the dated pieces in your closet, add a scarf or belt from this year's collection to your outfit.

How to Dress for Line Dancing

How to Dress for Line Dancing

Line dancing is a great way to have fun with friends and meet new people. But if you've never done it before, you might not know how to dress. Fortunately you have a wide array of options, ranging from cowboy boots to skirts that whirl. The key is to throw in a splash of Country Western spice without overdoing the look.


Start with the right footwear. Pull on cowboy boots if you have a pair. Fringed moccasin-style boots are a good alternative if you don't own the typical Western style ones. You can also buy special line dancing shoes, made by Topline, that lace up and have a small heel. These shoes are a good investment if you go line dancing frequently.


Zip into your favorite jeans. Denim with Western detail is also a good option. Women might want to wear a skirt that moves as they twirl. Fringed leather is always a safe bet. You can also find Country Western style flamenco dancer dresses for extra pizazz.


Bring on the fringe when you select a shirt. Cowboy shirts like the classic Brookes & Dunn are always a good option. Women wearing skirts often pair them with a peasant style top. If you feel like you've already gone overboard with the Western look with your other articles of clothing, a simple white tee or button down is fine.


Top off your look with a cowboy hat, if you have one. Bandanas are another option, tied around your neck or over your head.


Accessorize with leather cowboy belts slung low around the hips. Make sure the belt has a big, Western theme buckle. Women can wear dangly earrings with a Tex-Mex look--but if they have

worn loose, they might want to stick to turquoise studs, since hair and dangle earrings can get tangled during all of that turning around.

Tips & Warnings

If you don't feel like taking the Country Western plunge for your line dancing experience, jeans and a tee or button-down with sneakers is perfectly acceptable.

How to Dress for Going Shopping

How to Dress for Going Shopping

You have plans to spend the whole day shopping. You need to check out several stores and you have many items on your list to buy. Few things can ruin the day more than the wrong choice of clothes. Here is how to dress for a day of shopping.


Dress for the weather, especially if you plan to shop at an outdoor shopping area. You don't want to be too cold or too hot as you walk outside from store to store. Wear a coat in the winter and warm weather clothes in the summer months.


Choose comfortable clothing. Think about wearing a comfortable shirt, like a T-shirt or a sweatshirt when going shopping. Wear comfortable slacks or jeans that are roomy and not too tight. If you are uncomfortable in your clothes, you may end up ending your shopping trip early.


Pick comfortable shoes. Tennis shoes or comfortable flats work well for when you go shopping. High heels or brand new shoes may tire out your feet and make your feet hurt. Nothing ends a productive shopping trip like blisters on your feet.


Consider clothing and shoes that are easy to take off and put on if you plan to try on new clothing during your shopping trip. Slip-on shoes and shirts with no buttons are easy to take off and put back on, which will make trying on new clothes faster. You don't want to waste time in the dressing room if you don't have to.


Wear nude colored undergarments if you intend to try on new clothing. Brightly colored bras or underwear may show through clothing, and you won't get an accurate picture of how the new clothes look on you.

Tips & Warnings

If you'll be trying on dresses or skirts, wear pantyhose on your shopping trip. Nothing makes a dress look tackier than knee high-elastic bands sticking out under your dress. The pantyhose will also smooth out those bulges and panty lines, so you can really see if the dress will work for you.

How to Dress for College

How to Dress for College

College is a great time for parties, 2 a.m. study breaks at the local coffee bar, and of course classes. But how do you know what to wear once you get on campus?


Skip dressing up for class. This is something that many freshman do during their first few weeks of college and many upperclassmen can spot a new student from a mile away. There will be plenty of opportunities to dress up for parties and socials in college. Wear comfortable clothes to class. Jeans, shorts and


are smart choices.


Skip the heels, ladies. Most classes are going to be far apart, so walking long distances may hurt your feet or even worse, make you late to class. Sneakers or flipflops are a smarter choice to wear while walking around campus.


Most classes are a little chilly, so pack a light jacket or hoodie in your bag just in case. There is nothing worse than freezing in a math class for three hours.


Don't look as if you just rolled out of bed. Even though dressing for comfort is important, try to show that you put a little effort into looking presentable. Pajamas are never an option for class. Professor's notice more than you think they do. If you look like you didn't care, they may remember that once final grades are due.

Tips & Warnings

You can never go wrong with wearing a university or an organization's T-shirt or sweatshirt. This shows pride in your school.

Don't think you have to look like everyone else. Even though you want to be comfortable try not to sacrifice your individuality. Have fun trying new looks!

Don't wear other university T-shirts around campus. This may make some students a little angry. If you wanted to show pride for another school, why didn't you go there instead?!

How to Dress for Casual Friday

How to Dress for Casual Friday

Many companies allow for casual dress on Fridays. While this isn't the case at all workplaces, it's a growing trend around the country. If you have recently started a job that offers casual Friday, it can be something to look forward to at the end of the week. But not knowing how to dress for it can sometimes make it more of a headache than a bonus.


Read your employee handbook to find out what is and isn't acceptable attire for casual Friday. Follow the guidelines closely, as you don't want to risk your reputation or even your job on something as trivial as what you wear.


Ask co-workers about their experiences with casual Friday. An especially good source is a co-worker who has worked at the company for a long time. Ask what types of clothing they normally wear to get a firm grasp on the restrictions.


Stay professional even if it's casual Friday. You don't want to dress too casual as that isn't appropriate for most companies. You can wear less formal clothes, but you want to retain a level of professionalism.


Select a sweater set and knit pants. This is a great outfit for women to stay stylish on casual Friday. You can also choose a casual skirt, however don't pick anything shorter than an inch above the knee. Ballet flats or low heels are also appropriate. Men should choose khaki pants and a sweater or button down shirt. This is always a safe bet for casual Friday for men. Tuck your shirt in and wear a pair of loafers or lace up leather shoes.


Bring a change of clothes in your car in case you get called to meet a client or attend a business meeting. If you need to change clothes for whatever other reason, you can be prepared for anything by bringing a suit or other more corporate clothes to change into in an emergency.

Tips & Warnings

Don't wear jeans unless they are specifically permitted in your employee handbook.

Don't wear sneakers. They are never appropriate in an office environment.

Don't wear sandals or open toed shoes, unless you find out they are allowed. Don't ever wear flip flops to the office.